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The Tell-Tale Signs that You Need to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

An electrician working on home electrical panels.

Explore the Benefits of a New Electrical Panel Installation!

Are you experiencing frequent circuit breaker trips or struggling to meet the electrical demands of your modern lifestyle? It might be time to consider upgrading your electrical panel installations! Your electrical panel, often hidden away, plays a crucial role in keeping your home powered safely and efficiently. For this reason, it is essential to ensure you have the right equipment to power the smart home features that bring comfort, luxury, and convenience to your life.

In this blog, we will delve into the signs that indicate it’s time for an electrical panel upgrade in your Santa Rosa, CA, home. Keep reading to find out!

SEE ALSO: Get Ready for Warmer Weather with Upgrades from Your Local Electrical Service Company

Frequently Tripping Circuit Breakers

One of the most common signs that your electrical panel requires an upgrade is the frequent tripping of circuit breakers. Circuit breakers are designed to protect your electrical system from overloading or short circuits. However, if you find yourself constantly resetting tripped breakers, it's a clear indicator that your electrical panel is struggling to handle the electrical load. Overloaded circuits can pose fire hazards and lead to electrical damage or outages. Upgrading to a panel with increased amperage and improved circuit protection can alleviate this issue and provide a more robust electrical system.

Insufficient Capacity to Meet Electrical Demands

As technology advances, our reliance on electrical devices and appliances continues to grow. If you notice your lights dimming when multiple appliances are in use or frequently blown fuses, it's a strong indication that your current electrical panel lacks the capacity to meet your demands. Outdated panels may have lower amperage ratings and insufficient circuit availability, resulting in voltage drops and inadequate power distribution. Upgrading your electrical panel allows you to accommodate higher electrical loads and ensures a stable and efficient power supply.

Outdated or Unsafe Electrical Panels

If your home has an older electrical panel, it may be outdated or even pose safety risks. Outdated panels, such as those with brand names associated with reliability issues or models that are no longer manufactured such as Zinsco or Federal Pacific, could be prone to malfunctions or an inability to handle modern electrical demands. Additionally, corrosion, damaged components, or inadequate grounding are signs of an unsafe panel. Upgrading to a new panel with advanced safety features and updated components will provide peace of mind, reducing the risk of electrical hazards.

Home or Building Renovations or Expansions

Undertaking renovations or expanding your home or building increases the demand for electrical power. Whether you're adding new rooms, installing energy-efficient appliances, or integrating smart home technologies, an electrical panel upgrade becomes essential to support these upgrades. Neglecting to upgrade your electrical panel during renovations or expansions can result in overloaded circuits, compromised safety, and limited electrical capabilities. By upgrading your panel, you can ensure that your electrical system can handle the increased load and fulfill the requirements of your updated space.

At Summit Technology Group, we want to help you keep your home running smoothly. Contact our team right here to discover how our unique installations can boost your living spaces!

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