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The Benefits of Installing a Vehicle Charger

A white car and an electric vehicle charging station in a home’s garage.

Choosing the Right Charger for Your Electric Vehicle

Electric vehicles offer several advantages over conventional vehicles. Besides being environmentally friendly, electric cars are also less expensive to drive. According to Duke Energy, the cost to fully charge a 60-kWh EV with over 230 miles of range at home is less than $8, a far cry from the current prices at the gas pumps.

The cost to maintain an EV is generally much lower, and federal tax credits provide significant incentives. These may be a few reasons why EV sales doubled year-over-year in 2021, according to S&P Global.

Many EV drivers charge their car when they’re out shopping at the supermarket or shopping and dining at malls. Eventually, their minds turn to the convenience of charging their car at home by installing a vehicle charger.

At Summit Technology Group, we’re a team of electricians, integrators, and technicians who understand energy, electricity, and the smart technology that transforms lifestyles. We're experts and uniquely qualified to install all electrical vehicle chargers. Let’s explore what this means to homeowners with EVs in Santa Rosa, CA.

Charge Up Your Business with Advanced Vehicle Chargers

How Vehicle Charging Stations Set Your Business Apart from Competitors

Electric vehicles are no longer the wave of the future. They’re here! Right now, there are approximately 2 million of them cruising American roads. And every year, more and more people are opting for electric-powered cars that reduce carbon emissions and eliminate the need to pay costly gas prices at the pump. But charging an electric car is not always so simple. Unlike gas stations that seem to be on every corner, EV stations are sometimes few and far between.

If you own a business, offering vehicle chargers on your property not only provides a service for energy-conscious consumers and employees but also sets you apart as a forward-thinking company. This could be a big draw for shoppers and patrons. Keep reading to learn more about installing electric vehicle charging stations and the benefits for your business in North Bay, CA,