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5 Warning Signs Your Home May Have Electrical Problems

Around 30,000 electrical fires are reported from different parts of the country each year. These fires are estimate to cause $1.1 billion in property damage and kill more than 300 people.

Some common causes of electrical fires are faulty electrical outlets, old appliances, overloaded light fixtures, and old wiring. In most cases, homeowners notice several signs of electrical problems before an electrical fire breaks out.

Every homeowner should watch out for these red flags and take corrective action in a timely manner.

Burning Smell Any unusual burning smell near an electrical appliance could mean that there’s something amiss. Your wiring could have become so hot that it might have started burning the plastic cover. If you ignore the problem, the heat from your wiring could start a house fire.

If you notice a persistent burning smell coming from a device, stop using it and turn it off. Unplug the device, switch off the power point, and call an electrical service in Santa Rosa immediately.

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