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Enjoy the Power of Reliability with a Backup Generator

A home illuminated by indoor lights at night.

Stay connected and keep your home running smoothly at all times!

In an era dominated by technology, our homes have transformed into interconnected ecosystems that bring convenience and efficiency to our fingertips. As we embrace these smart home advancements, our dependence on a consistent power supply becomes increasingly evident. To ensure your family enjoys the comfort and luxury a smart home brings without interruptions, it is essential to rely on a backup generator that keeps you connected even amidst power outages.

Today’s blog will explore a few ways a generator can help you live your best life in your Coeur d’Alene, ID, home. Let’s dive in!

  599 Hits

It's Wildfire Season – Are Your Power Outage Solutions Ready?

It's Wildfire Season – Are Your Power Outage Solutions Ready?

Prepare for Power Loss With These Solutions

Over the past decade, California has become a spark plug for wildfires throughout the dry summer and fall months. If you live in the Glen Ellen, CA area, you should be prepared for power outages due to PSPS or wildfire.

Losing power during wildfire season doesn't necessarily mean you're in immediate danger. Local power companies will shut down power lines that pass through high fire-threat areas to prevent igniting new fires. However, this practice means you could be without power fordays or even weeks during wildfire season. But no worries! With our power outage solutions, you can maintain a luxurious lifestyle even through an extended loss of power. Keep reading our blog to discover your options!

  911 Hits

Keep Your Smart Home Running with Backup Energy

Keep Your Smart Home Running with Backup Energy

Stay Prepared for an Outage or Any Power Emergency

When your Sonoma County, CA home loses power for any length of time, it can feel quite nerve-wracking. When will it come back on? How long can your food last while your appliances are off? Plus, it’s never fun or easy to endure a darkened home without power through an uncertain emergency.

However, with a backup energy solution from our team at Summit Technology Group, you can rest assured that your property is ready and prepared for any type of power emergency that comes your way. Want to find out more about our backup power solutions and services? Keep reading on below.

  890 Hits

Do You Really Need Backup Power for Your Home?

Do You Really Need Backup Power for Your Home?

How a Backup Generator Gives You Peace of Mind When the Power Goes Out

Few things in life are constant. In fact, if there’s one thing you can expect, it’s change. But that’s not all bad, especially when you can prepare in advance. Having a backup generator helps you prepare for inevitable power shortages that happen due to storms and brownouts. These electrical “changes” can certainly disrupt your life. But with backup power, you’ll never worry even while others are scurrying around trying to deal with the situation.

Still, you may ask yourself, “Is it necessary to have a backup generator at my home?” Fair question because a generator isn’t for everyone. In this blog, we’ll explain why it may be a good idea to have backup power at your home in Glen Ellen, CA, or the surrounding area.

  886 Hits