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PG&E Shut-off Plan to Prevent Fire Poses Trouble for Vulnerable Customers

[vc_row row_height_percent="0" override_padding="yes" h_padding="3" top_padding="3" bottom_padding="3" back_color="color-xsdn" overlay_alpha="50" gutter_size="3" column_width_percent="100" shift_y="0" z_index="0"][vc_column column_width_percent="100" gutter_size="3" style="light" overlay_alpha="50" shift_x="0" shift_y="0" shift_y_down="0" z_index="0" medium_width="0" mobile_width="0"][vc_column_text]There are many people who have a disability, and require machines that help them breathe, eat, and move, among other things. These machines require electricity for optimal and seamless functioning. Each year, as summer approaches and brings along wildfire season, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) may be turning off power to prevent fires, and this can be extremely worrying for such vulnerable customers and their loved ones.

This move began after the devastating Camp Fire that led to mass destruction, and financially crippled the company, which then filed for bankruptcy (PG&E equipment had a role to play in starting the wildfire).

When the power goes off, a backup battery or generator can provide backup for just a few hours or even days, and loved ones would have to transport these vulnerable customers to emergency rooms.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text_font="font-728346" text_size="h5" text_weight="600"]PG&E Shut-Off Plan[/vc_custom_heading][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1632556141455{margin-top: 8px !important;}" uncode_shortcode_id="576270"]PG&E customers can enroll for the company’s assistance program that ensures customers get a two-day notice if the utility company is shutting off power. While this can be of help, it does not include all vulnerable residents in the service territory.The California Public Utilities Commission that regulates PG&E opined that the company should also explore wildfire prevention measures which could go a long way in preventing forced power shut down, and keep vulnerable customers safe. However, there is still a long way to go before this happens.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text_font="font-728346" text_size="h5" text_weight="600"]Alternate Solution for Customers[/vc_custom_heading][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1602272469669{margin-top: 8px !important;}"]Rather than relying solely on PG&E for its electricity needs to power life-saving machinery and gadgets, customers can turn to a backup power company. This city is home to a number of solar energy companies, and is also renowned for its rooftop solar panels that are used ubiquitously by the residents of the city.

Sonoma County residents and business owners should consider installing rooftop solar panels offered by several renewable energy companies in Petaluma or look at other renewable energy sources available in the region to meet their electricity requirements when PG&E forces power outages.

While forced power outages are supposed to be the last resort, PG&E is not risking it due to the financial toll it experienced last year when California was struck down by the biggest wildfire in its history. The shut-off plan by the utility has been severely criticized, but this does not help vulnerable customers who need life-saving machinery to operate without a hitch.

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