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The Truth About Solar Energy: 6 Common Myths Debunked

A luxury home with solar panels installed on the ceiling with the Summit Technology logo overlaid on the sky.

Learn the Real Deal About This Renewable Energy Solution!

Solar energy, once a niche technology, has grown in popularity in recent years, and it is now one of the main sources of power for hundreds of families and businesses in Santa Rosa, CA. However, despite the widespread adoption of this renewable energy solution, many myths and misconceptions still exist that often deter people from integrating solar energy into their homes.

At Summit Technology Group, we want you to know the real deal about this technology so you can make an informed decision regarding the energy source that powers your home. Join us in today's blog as we debunk these common myths!

SEE ALSO: Installing a Whole-Home Generator? Here’s What You Should Know

Myth 1: Solar Panels Are Not Good on Cloudy Days

One of the most common misconceptions is that solar panels need direct sunlight to function and, thus, do not work on cloudy days. While solar panels thrive on sunny days, modern solar panels are equipped with technology that allows them to harness indirect sunlight. They can still generate power under overcast skies, though at a reduced efficiency. While output decreases during cloudy weather, it does not cease. For instance, Germany, known for its relatively low sunlight levels, is a world leader in solar energy production. Now imagine what solar panels can do for your home in sunny California!

Myth 2: Solar Energy Systems Are Too Expensive

The initial cost of solar energy systems is often enough to make homeowners second-guess about installing solar panels. While upfront expenses can be significant, solar energy is one of the best ways to minimize your electricity bills, making it a cost-effective investment in the long run. Additionally, California residents are eligible for solar tax credits, allowing you to integrate this technology into your home at a lower cost.

Myth 3: Solar Panels Require High Maintenance

Another myth that often deters hands-off homeowners from adding solar panels is that they require extensive maintenance. In reality, solar panels are remarkably low-maintenance. Once installed, they need only occasional cleaning to keep them free of debris, and many manufacturers offer warranties of 20 to 25 years, underscoring their durability and long-term reliability. Moreover, Summit Technology Group offers comprehensive service plans that feature benefits such as 24/7 remote monitoring,  network performance tests, and priority response times, ensuring your solar energy solutions are always working properly.

Myth 4: Solar Panels Will Damage Your Roof

The installation of solar panels often raises concerns about potential roof damage, but this shouldn’t be a concern if you are working with certified technicians. In fact, solar panels can protect and preserve the portion of the roof they cover by shielding it from the elements. Installation experts use methods that ensure the integrity of your roof is maintained or even enhanced, allowing you to keep the peace of mind of knowing your home and family are safe.

Myth 5: Solar Energy Will Provide Power During Blackouts

One of the reasons many homeowners look at solar energy, especially in blackout-prone California, is thinking that solar panels will keep their homes powered during blackouts. This isn’t entirely true. Standard solar systems are grid-tied and will shut down automatically during power outages to avoid back-feeding electricity into the grid, which could pose risks to utility workers.

However, it is a great first step to keep your home independent from the grid. By integrating solar panels with battery storage systems, you can save the extra energy generated on sunny days and use it to power your home during a blackout. Perfect for keeping your comfort and safety during an emergency!

Myth 6: Solar Panels are Only for New Constructions

It’s a common belief that solar panels are suitable only for new homes. Fortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth. While California’s Title 24 does require solar on new buildings, solar technology can be seamlessly integrated into existing buildings, including historical homes. Special considerations may be required for integrating solar panels into older structures, but many successful retrofits prove that age is not a barrier. Expert installers, such as the team at Summit Technology Group, can navigate the challenges presented by existing homes, ensuring that solar systems are a viable option for nearly any home.

If you're considering harnessing the power of the sun for your home, don't let common myths hold you back. Contact our team to learn how you can benefit from solar technology and contribute to a cleaner environment. Embrace a brighter, sustainable future today!

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