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Giving Back in Times of Crisis: STG Continues to Support Each Other & the Community

[vc_row row_height_percent="0" override_padding="yes" h_padding="3" top_padding="3" bottom_padding="3" back_color="color-xsdn" overlay_alpha="50" gutter_size="3" column_width_percent="100" shift_y="0" z_index="0"][vc_column column_width_percent="100" gutter_size="3" style="light" overlay_alpha="50" shift_x="0" shift_y="0" shift_y_down="0" z_index="0" medium_width="0" mobile_width="0"][vc_column_text]Santa Rosa, CA, May 18th 2o2o: Summit Technology Group (STG) today announced that they will be continuing to give back to the community.
The Community Outreach program began in the Spring of 2019 and continues into 2020.

“My father started this company in Santa Rosa over 50 years ago,” says Larry Dashiell, President at Summit Technology Group. “It is very important that we continue to support the community that has been supporting us all this time.”

“Each month we support a different community partner,” says Donna Natale, Human Resource Manager at STG. “While we may not be able to do large in person groups, we are finding creative ways to continue to give back even with the unique circumstances of shelter in place. One of those ways is by providing every one of our 65 employees with a gift card to a local restaurant which helps our employees and community.”

Over the past year, STG has donated hundreds of volunteer hours, over 700# of food, helped build houses, and made many memories. Everyone knows that employees are the backbone of a company and now that they are impacted yet again by a disaster, STG is also taking care of them by:

• Avoiding layoffs by temporarily decreasing hours
• Providing extended family leave days
• Offering online training so employees are guaranteed at least 32 hours/wk
• Supplying PPE for essential field employees
• Setting up remote work capabilities for most employees

Summit Technology Group has grown from a small electrician service to a large systems contractor, all thanks to the support of its community and employees.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text text_lead="yes"]About Summit Technology Group: Summit Technology Group is the largest and most experienced Technology, Electric and Renewables Systems Contractor in Sonoma, Napa and Marin Counties. We have the capable professionals to design, manage and install electronic systems projects of any size, residential and commercial. We focus on designing systems that meet your specific needs. We call it “Technology for your lifestyle”.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

4 Questions to Ask Before Installing Solar Panels

[vc_row row_height_percent="0" override_padding="yes" h_padding="3" top_padding="3" bottom_padding="3" back_color="color-xsdn" overlay_alpha="50" gutter_size="3" column_width_percent="100" shift_y="0" z_index="0"][vc_column column_width_percent="100" gutter_size="3" style="light" overlay_alpha="50" shift_x="0" shift_y="0" shift_y_down="0" z_index="0" medium_width="0" mobile_width="0"][vc_column_text]Here in the wine country of Sonoma County, we are faced with a growing wildfire season and people are looking for ways to get off the grid and keep their lights on during outages. Solar panels are an eco-conscious choice that helps save the environment and lessen your dependence on traditional electricity.

It is estimated that around 81 percent of the total energy consumed in the U.S. comes from fossil fuels such as natural gas and coal. If you want to contribute to sustainability, you need to decrease your dependency on energy produced by burning fossil fuels. You can achieve this objective by installing a solar panel.

A solar panel harnesses the sun’s energy, which is free and abundant. Your solar panel will not just benefit the environment, but also keep your pocket happy and enable you to keep the power on during planned and unplanned power outages.

Installing a solar panel is a major decision. In addition to committing upfront funds, you may also have to make changes to your property. Before you hire a solar company near you for solar panel installation, remember to seek answers to these questions.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text_font="font-728346" text_size="h5" text_weight="600"]What is the Condition of Your Roof?[/vc_custom_heading][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1602269717504{margin-top: 8px !important;}"]Your solar panel will increase the amount of weight on your roof. If your roof’s structural integrity is compromised, address the problem before starting your solar panel installation project. If your roof is damaged or is nearing the end of its service life, repair or replace it.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text_font="font-728346" text_size="h5" text_weight="600"]Is Your Home Energy Efficient?[/vc_custom_heading][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1602269670585{margin-top: 8px !important;}"]If you live in an old home with inadequate insulation or you use an old HVAC, consider making energy-efficient improvements before installing solar panels. Hire a professional to seal leaks around windows and doors. Insulate tanks and pipes. These renovations will improve your home’s energy efficiency, allowing you to opt for a smaller system.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text_font="font-728346" text_size="h5" text_weight="600"]What is the Shape and Type of Your Roof?[/vc_custom_heading][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1602269634721{margin-top: 8px !important;}"]Roofs come in different shapes, including curved, pyramid or hip, and flat. These roof types have varying degrees of pitch, which can impact the panel’s exposure to the sun. Before starting your solar panel installation project, evaluate your roof’s surface to ensure it has sufficient space to accommodate your solar panels.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text_font="font-728346" text_size="h5" text_weight="600"]What Warranties Does Your Solar Panel Manufacturer Offer?[/vc_custom_heading][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1602269599410{margin-top: 8px !important;}"]Most warranties guarantee that the solar panels will generate 80 percent of the rated power after two decades of use. If you can find a manufacturer that offers comprehensive warranties that cover all parts and labor, take advantage! Ask your manufacturer what happens to your warranty if they go out of business or are acquired by some other company.

Summit Technology Group is a solar company near you that can help you answer these questions. We will evaluate your home or building and surrounding property. We also work with manufacturers on warranties and rebates.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text text_lead="yes"]Are you looking for a solar company near you with a proven track record of success? Look no further than Summit Technology Group. For us, credibility, honesty, and dedication are more than just buzzwords. These are the three cornerstones of our business. To schedule an appointment, call us at 707-542-4773.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

How Hiring a Professional Helps You Increase Wi-Fi Speed During Shelter in Place and Homeschooling

[vc_row row_height_percent="0" override_padding="yes" h_padding="3" top_padding="3" bottom_padding="3" back_color="color-xsdn" overlay_alpha="50" gutter_size="3" column_width_percent="100" shift_y="0" z_index="0"][vc_column column_width_percent="100" gutter_size="3" style="light" overlay_alpha="50" shift_x="0" shift_y="0" shift_y_down="0" z_index="0" medium_width="0" mobile_width="0"][vc_column_text]Thanks to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, work from home has become the new normal. An increasing number of people now rely on the Internet for education, work, and entertainment. Unfortunately, the internet and wireless networks are coming under immense pressure due to this surge in demand.

If you are living in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, and your slow internet speed frustrates you, talk to a networking technician in Santa Rosa from Summit Technology Group. A Wi-Fi expert knows various tricks to speed up Wi-Fi. Not only will the professional fix your Internet, but will also discuss ways to boost your Wi-Fi performance.

One of the most important things that impact Wi-Fi quality is the way the Wi-Fi connection was set up. If you are planning to get a Wi-Fi connection, look for an expert installer. An installation expert is well aware of installation mistakes and plans their every installation keeping in mind roadblocks that the project may hit.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text_font="font-728346" text_size="h5" text_weight="600"]Tips to Speed Up Your Wi-Fi[/vc_custom_heading][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1602270057065{margin-top: 8px !important;}"]Before you call an expert, try these tips to increase Wi-Fi speed and overall wireless quality:[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text_font="font-728346" text_size="h5" text_weight="600"]Move Your Router[/vc_custom_heading][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1634110720614{margin-top: 8px !important;}" uncode_shortcode_id="408948"]Oftentimes, Wi-Fi routers get stuck in the corners of homes, close to the wall where signals enter the home. This can be a problem as wireless networks use radio waves. They have limited range and are unable to penetrate walls.

If it's feasible, move your router to a more central location. This can be done by running a longer coax or ethernet cable. Keep your router away from refrigerators, microwave ovens, and other metal equipment. If you have a fish tank, move your router as far from it as possible, as Wi-Fi signals can struggle to pass through water. Looking for buy Radios Kenwood then you have right place.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text_font="font-728346" text_size="h5" text_weight="600"]Change Your Wi-Fi Channel[/vc_custom_heading][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1602269982951{margin-top: 8px !important;}"]If you have several other Wi-Fi networks near you, try changing your channel as there is a chance you may be experiencing radio interference. Remember, not all routers are designed to sense interference and pick uncluttered frequencies. If your router is unable to find clearer frequencies, manually change the channel and see if it helps.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text_font="font-728346" text_size="h5" text_weight="600"]Use a Wi-Fi Extender[/vc_custom_heading][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1602269935942{margin-top: 8px !important;}"]If removing your router is not a feasible option, get a Wi-Fi extender and place it where the signal is weak. A Wi-Fi extender repeats the wireless signal from a router to enhance its coverage. The device captures a Wi-Fi signal from the router and rebroadcasts it to areas where the signal is weak.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text text_lead="yes"]Need help from a nearby electrician in Santa Rosa to improve your Wi-Fi speed? Look no further than Summit Technology Group, located in Santa Rosa. Whether you need a whole-home audio solution fully customized to your needs or a home lighting control system, we have you covered. We strive for excellence. Our uncompromising commitment to quality sets us apart. To learn more about us, call us at 707-542-4773.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Quick & Easy Energy-Saving Tips

[vc_row row_height_percent="0" override_padding="yes" h_padding="3" top_padding="3" bottom_padding="3" back_color="color-xsdn" overlay_alpha="50" gutter_size="3" column_width_percent="100" shift_y="0" z_index="0"][vc_column column_width_percent="100" gutter_size="3" style="light" overlay_alpha="50" shift_x="0" shift_y="0" shift_y_down="0" z_index="0" medium_width="0" mobile_width="0"][vc_column_text]A few small changes in everyday life can help you save dramatically on your power. These changes do not cost a dime, but they can add up to real-time energy savings over time. Listed below are a few tips from expert electrical contractors in Sonoma County that you can try to save energy, save money, and reduce your family’s impact on the environment.

1) Turn Off Fans When You Exit a RoomThis is a no-brainer. Fans do not work like air conditioners in that they do not cool a room. Fans blow still air, which often feels cool across your skin. In fact, the motor on your fans adds more heat to the room, making it sensible for you to turn it off when you leave a room.

How to do so? As with the lights and electronics, when you leave a room, be sure to turn off the fan too. This not only helps save energy but also sets a good example for the younger generation to follow.

2) Drop Window Shades and Close Drapes During DaytimeWhen you drop the window shades during the day, it helps keep the sunlight out and thus cools the house considerably. During winter, doing the reverse would help let sunshine seep in.

How to do so? Moving your furniture around each season will not only give your house a new look but also is a neat way to take advantage of the sun or to avoid the sun. For instance, setting a table by a large French window makes way for a cozy spot to enjoy your breakfast on a chilly winter day.

3) Wash and Rinse Your Clothes in Cold WaterMost Americans are unaware of the fact that 90% of the energy that is used to wash clothes is in fact toward heating water.

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